The body



I have a perversion.


I would spend every minute of my time observing and studding bodies…


Either when they are alone either when they are approaching other bodies,

Either when they present the power of their anatomy in a total nakedness

Either when they are wearing all the meanings of a conventional behavior…

When they are resting in their own vocabulary or when they are being manipulated for outside inputs…


I admire every little mechanism that allow them to move or to stay still, every part that construct their verticality and also that ones who make them play with shaping…

How they are full of potentiality how they become limited…

The logic of their actions, the organic of their reactions…

A complex machine full of a perfect balance of daily deaths and continues births that connect two different realities…

The body is always in present continuous…he is always busy happening and it really catches my attention…the body makes me curious…the body make me curious…


I see the body as a filter that make visible other thousand of inner movements that only can be precisely guessed …it is where the eyes finish, it is an independent surface where to project signs and where the meanings become something.


 Starting and finishing in the skin…to know you better I only have to follow the hyperactivity of your pores or the rhythm of your sweat, you can lie me but there is something in your way to walk that tell me about your fears…I like when the body doesn’t allow to stay the lie…I like when the body speak for itself…


I find my body, your body and their bodies as the first source of inspiration, sugerence and also as a starting point in every of my artistic works.”





“I want a busy body…a worker body, a chooser body…

A body in process, under construction,

A body that is happening…in present continuous…curious and active…

One body that makes me thinks in my own body, one body playing to be just a body,

 A body not afraid to be a powerful structure…a complex landscape in continuous transformation…an evocative surface that invites me to guess deeper…

I am interested in the anatomy of your choices…


I would like the whole of your verticality, the activity of your pores, I would like to” travel you” until the end of your fingers…I want you when you are not the one who creates your shapes, I want you farther than any meaning, and always when you don’t “think you”, I want your seductive sternum, the flexibility of your elbows, I want the sadness of your real exhaustion, I want you because your tears are also a salad fluid similar to my pee, and because sometimes your digestion process is far enough…

I want you becoming and visible… …and I want to be present…


A virgin body, a baby body, a starter body, a primitive body…a rapeable body, a questionable body, a breakable body… a body out of a context, free of over meanings, in a productive emptiness…



The body and its possibilities and limits, to move, to be moved, to means, to redefine meanings, fascinate me. I am intrigue by the body as a producer and as a container, as pure potentiality as a constant imperfection and negotiation, the body as an always-becoming organism, as a place for constant affectation.